Our Vision
Ensure every student who leaves GLC is well-prepared for a lifetime of on-going learning and informed and active citizenship. All students will be given opportunities to gain knowledge, skills and attributes that will help equip them for a meaningful work and satisfying careers.
Mission We aim to:
· Improve school performance and student outcomes
· Improve ongoing teacher quality
· Strengthen school leadership
· Build pathways to lifelong learning
College Background
Great Lakes College is a multi campus collegiate made up of two 7-10 Campuses and 11-12 Campus. The college was opened in 2003 after Forster High School site could not accommodate the increasing number of students. One 7-10 Campus is located at the old Forster High School, which is now Forster 7-10 Campus and at the Tuncurry site a new 7-10 and 11-12 Campuses were built and accommodate Tuncurry Campus 7-10 and the Senior Campus 11-12. Also located on the Tuncurry site is North Coast TAFE.
The College has approximately 1500 students including 11% identifying as being Aboriginal. Forster and Tuncurry Campuses focus on the Young Adolescent Learner in 7-10 and the Senior Campus foundations being an Adult Learning and Working Environment in 11-12.
The College offers a high quality education with extensive breadth of curriculum which caters for the individual needs and context of the students and families. Each Campus has a Support Unit where students with additional learning needs have access to specialised learning.
As a College it attracts further staffing and funding through the College General Staffing Entitlement (CGSE) which allows for Cross Campus Teaching allowances, purchase of extra executive staff at each Campus. The college has its own internal staffing processes before going out to the state wide staffing procedures when vacancies arise.
Great Lakes College is a member of the Great Lakes Learning Community (GLLC), comprising of the College and six feeder primary schools in our area. This learning community works collaboratively to support leadership, performing arts, Aboriginal numeracy and literacy programs for our students.
Purpose our goal is to:
To ensure students engage in their learning and show strong growth through explicit, research-informed teaching. Our Teachers will evaluate their effectiveness through professional learning and use of data to inform practice.
Core Expectations
This Strategic Plan is an overview for Great Lakes College with each Campus having their own School Improvement Plan - SIP - with specific data, targets, strategies and initiatives in achieving improvement.